Application deadline is over
Course on Global Democracy and Justice
10 weekly meetings on Sundays 19.00 – 21.30 in Tel Aviv
For the first time in the history of humanity we are now facing problems that affect us all at a global scale. Whether it is climate change or inequality, migration or terrorism, pandemics or poverty, these are all global challenges that require global solutions. And yet no-one is thinking globally and no-one is responsible for tackling these problems. Our political institutions are organized at the level of the state and encourage politicians to think, at best, only about what is good for their country. The result is anarchy at the global level and the rule of force by the richer and more powerful countries.
In this course we look at alternative visions of the global political arena. How could global politics be organized so that politicians would be encouraged to think what would be best for humanity? How could a truly democratic world system be developed, where everyone is represented, whether they were born in America or Israel or Ethiopia or Haiti? Could a global environmental regulatory body finally tackle climate change? Could there be such a thing as a global welfare state, and if so, could it alleviate poverty better than the current international development industry? Is this a utopian fantasy, a dystopia, or a practical vision for a just future? In the course participants will grapple with these issues, hear what other activists and thinkers have to say, and be supported to develop their own vision of a just and democratic global society.
The course will consist of lectures, group exercises and discussions, skype sessions with global democracy activists overseas, skills training, and project work. Participants who complete the course and the project will receive a Course Certificate from One World.
The course topics will include:
- What is global democracy and why do we need it?
- Global causes of inequality
- Global politics and economic justice
- Global governance and climate change
- World federalism and different models of supra-national government
- The global visions of Einstein and Gandhi
- Ideas and campaigns of the World Federalist Movement.
- Potentials of an Israel-Palestine federation (Jerusalem course only)
Please note: the language of the course is English.
Recommended Reading:
- History of the World Federalist Movement
- Supporting quotes by Einstein, Gandhi and other thinkers
- Appeal for the establishment of a parliamentary body at the UN
Feedback from previous participants:
- “the course really opened my eyes…” – Michal, Tel Aviv
- “enlightening, especially about global injustice…” Alon, Jerusalem
- “the course leaders were very passionate – it made the sessions very stimulating…” Daniel, Netanya
- “the guest speakers were amazing! It was a privilege to discuss politics with them!” Liat, Ramat-Gan
Application deadline is over